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BK21 Plus seminar 2017.12.20(수) Dr. Dongjoon Kong (The Boeing Company)
BK21 Plus seminar 2017.12.20(수) Dr. Dongjoon Kong (The Boeing Company)
Post date:
2017-12-19 09:35:39
1. 주 제 : Developing Proactive Ergonomic Risk Mitigation Processes for Aerospace Machinists
2. 연 사 : Dr. Dongjoon Kong (The Boeing Company)
3. 내 용 : Airplane makers have spent $billions to make sure safety of passengers and crew members while paying relatively less attention to their own workers. We have developed and tested proactive ergonomic risk mitigation processes for aerospace manufacturing employees. There exist some assembly tasks with high ergonomic risks as a large passenger airplane moves through the manufacturing assembly lines, for example, an aerospace machinist completes a sealing process in the fuel tank where the machinist wears protective gears while working in a confined space. Our goal is to proactively identify high ergonomic risk areas during the planning phases rather than reactively investigate the situations if any incidence occurs. The Phase I and II are currently completed with statistical tolerances. Phase III and IV are scheduled to complete in 2018.
4. 일 시 : 2017년 12월 20일 (수) 오후 2시
5. 장 소 : 39동 325호
6. 문 의 : 윤명환교수 (mhy@snu.ac.kr)