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Non-Face-to-Face submission : Tentative Course Registration(Change) Form
Non-Face-to-Face submission : Tentative Course Registration(Change) Form
Post date:
2020-03-16 05:27:45
Non-Face-to-Face submission : Tentative Course Registration(Change) Form
❑ How to submit: Tentative course registration(change) form
❍ Period for the correction of course registration: March 9 ~ 20, 2020
❍ Procedure to submit the form
- ① A student needs to get an approval from professor through Non-Face-to-Face way like email, SNS or etc. → ② Fill out the form and prepare the materials proving you’ve got an approval from professor (ex: Screen capture) - ③ Send the form & materials by email or SNS to the staff in charge at the department office.
- ④ A student needs to request an approval for the course registration through the online course registration system to the professor→ ⑤ A professor will select the student who will take the course → ⑥ A professor will submit the list to the department office
※ This procedure can be different depending on the courses so you should ask how to apply for the course registration(change) to the department office first.
For courses of Industrial Engineering:
Email submission to: yunheekim@snu.ac.kr
Required Attachment: 1. an approval from professor (ex: Screen capture) 2. Course Change From(Over-ride)