BK21 Plus Seminar 2017. 05. 30 (화)

BK21 Plus Seminar 2017. 05. 30 (화)




1. 주 제 : Smart SCM in the 4th Industrial Revolution: Is It New? What’s New?


2. 연 사 : 박태호교수님 (San Jose State University)


             Director / Professor, School of Global Innovation and Leadership
             Director, Silicon Valley Center for Operations & Technology Management
             Executive Advisory Board Member of Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management
             San Jose State University


3. 내 용 : We are getting into a new era of the 4th Industrial Revolution: smart society, smart community, smart cities, and smart factories. In this trend, smart SCM has got attention from industry to enhance company’s competitiveness and growth through intelligent decisions on various supply chain activities. Industry is now working on embedding more intelligence into their supply chain functions by using ICT systems and devices, supply chain analytics, Big Data, etc. An IBM’s recent report pointed out that the smart SCM would include three important components to make conventional SCM smarter: Instrumented, Interconnected, and Intelligent. Big Data and supply chain analytics play core roles of driving the SCM towards more market-driven, transparent, visible, intelligent, automatic, and responsive business system. In this seminar, we will discuss the following inquiries: “what is a smart supply chain, exactly,” “Is it new to us, especially, I.E. scholars,”  and “If there are something new, what are the new things.”


4. 일 시 : 2017년 05월 30일 (화) 오후 05:00


5. 장 소 : 39동 325호


6. 문 의 : 문일경교수 (ikmoon@snu.ac.kr)