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[BK] 2024.05.23.(목) 14:00 / Leveraging Quantum AI/ML for Computational Health and Biomedical Research
[BK] 2024.05.23.(목) 14:00 / Leveraging Quantum AI/ML for Computational Health and Biomedical Research
Post date:
2024-05-14 01:36:29
- 일시: 2024.05.23(목) 14:00~15:30
- 장소: 39동 327호
- 연사: 이승주(Erin Lee) 박사 / Yale University School of Medicine
- 주제: Leveraging Quantum AI/ML for Computational Health and Biomedical Research
- 내용: Quantum computing is an emerging field with the potential to accelerate computation in many areas of science and technology. Based on the principles of quantum mechanics, quantum computing uses a fundamentally different approach than classical computing. Because of this, quantum computers have the potential to perform complex calculations more efficiently than classical computers, which may offer promising applications within healthcare and biomedical research. In this talk, I will briefly introduce and discuss my ongoing research on leveraging quantum AI/ML in medicine. First, I will cover quantum neural networks for binary classification and its hyperparameter impact assessment. Second, I will walk through feature selection using quantum annealer that helps scalable processing and analysis of electronic health records data. Lastly, I will discuss quantum community detection and its promise in building graph data.