
[폭스바겐그룹코리아] 2023 H2 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (~7/2)

■ Recruiting Position [Intern]

- Audi : Sales / Network & After Sales / PR & Experiential Marketing

- One.AS : Warranty / Parts Certification Support / Parts Supply Chain Management(SCM)

- VW : Network Development / SCM & in-land Logistics / PR & Experience MKT

- Group : IRC(Integrity, Risk and Compliance) / HR / Sales & Marketing Operations Support

*please check main job description through attached image



■ Qualification & Ideal Profile

- Current university students who completed at least 5 semesters or recent graduates within 1 year

- Able to work full time from August 16, 2023 to February 29, 2024

- Eager to grow as a good team player who can understand differences from diverse cultural backgrounds

- Able to thrive in fast paced environment with efficiently managing tasks & projects

- Act responsibly with knowing one’s own strengths & areas of development with open-minded attitude

- Proficient in MS Office

- Excellent communication skills – fluent in both Korean & English



■ How to Apply

- 마감 기한: 2023년 7월 2일

- 이메일 접수: career@vwgk.co.kr

- 이메일 제목 양식: "Brand_Job Title_Kor. Name (Eng. Name)"

*Example: Group_HR Intern_홍길동 (GilDong Hong)


■ What to submit

1. 국영문 이력서

2. 자기소개서(MS Powerpoint 형식) *자유형식(max.5 pages)

3. 개인정보 수집이용 동의서 (“입사지원자용 개인정보 수집 및 이용 동의서” 작성)

*Please attach each document (1,2,3) to your application e-mail. 


■ Recruiting Process & Schedule

Application → Interview Process(~mid of July) → On-Boarding(August 16th)


■ 아래 페이지를 통해서도 공고 확인 가능합니다.
