Life Enhancing Technology Lab

Life Enhancing Technology (LET) Lab is a research community where professors and students collaborate to improve people’s quality of life. We aim to realize the value of enhancing life quality by applying and utilizing knowledge grounded in human factors engineering to solve real-world challenges. “

Lab Name
삶향상기술연구실 Life Enhancing Technology Lab
Prof. 박우진 (Woojin Park) 
Lab Members
Current Students (10 Ph.D. Students / 8 M.S. Students)
Main Research Areas
▪ Occupational Biomechanics
▪ Automotive Ergonomics
▪ Applied Ergonomics in Optimal Design
Representative Research
or Projects
▪ Project: Ergonomic design study of HMD-based augmented reality systems for worker task support
▪ Project: Development and validation of methods for identifying and analyzing emotional factors in smartphones
▪ Project: Analysis and concept proposal to evaluate mass-production vehicle usability from real customer perspectives
▪ Project: Establishment of development criteria through a study on visual vibration perception for ensuring cabin stability in finished vehicles
Relevant Courses
Undergraduate: Scientific Management, Ergonomics, Ergonomic Design
Graduate: Occupational Biomechanics, Automotive Ergonomics, Smart Systems Ergonomics
Contact Information
Building 39, Room 313
Main Career Paths After Graduation
Mobile and Home Appliance Division, Automotive Research Institute, Consulting
Application Inquiries
Send an email to the professor

The Life Enhancing Technology Lab conducts research in various engineering fields aimed at improving human life, based on the principles of human factors engineering. Human factors engineering is a discipline that applies knowledge gained from studying the physical, mental abilities, limitations, and characteristics of humans to the design of systems such as products and services.

Our lab focuses on a range of research topics, including ergonomic studies related to automotive design to contribute to Korea’s core automotive industry, user experience design studies to enhance the lives of hospital patients, caregivers, and medical staff, research on creativity and idea generation methods to improve designers’ capabilities, and studies on the natural interaction between humans and objects in virtual environments. Through these efforts, we aim to advance innovative solutions that enhance human well-being.