Operations Management Lab
“Decision-making optimization for the efficient operation of resources within enterprises involved in
industrial systems and supply chains is a key research focus, encompassing issues such as inventory management,
production planning, logistics, procurement, and scheduling decisions.”
Lab Name
운영관리 연구실 Operations Management Lab
Prof. 박건수 (Kunsoo Park)
Lab Members
Current Members (4 Ph.D. Students / 3 Integrated Students/ 2 M.S. Students)
Main Research Areas
Supply Chain and Inventory Optimization
- Developing proactive strategies and implementation plans by considering customer demand, production processes, and supplier variability in complex multi-echelon supply chains
Logistics Network Design and Operations Optimization
- Researching strategies to optimize logistics operations for businesses, including designing logistics networks and scheduling production and processes (APS)
Financial Decision Optimization Under Supply Chain Risk
- Exploring financial decision-making strategies such as supply chain contracts, pricing, and procurement while considering demand variability and supplier risks
- Developing proactive strategies and implementation plans by considering customer demand, production processes, and supplier variability in complex multi-echelon supply chains
Logistics Network Design and Operations Optimization
- Researching strategies to optimize logistics operations for businesses, including designing logistics networks and scheduling production and processes (APS)
Financial Decision Optimization Under Supply Chain Risk
- Exploring financial decision-making strategies such as supply chain contracts, pricing, and procurement while considering demand variability and supplier risks
Representative Research
or Projects
or Projects
Project: Developing inventory optimization algorithms for decentralized multi-echelon supply chains using Markov demand models (supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea)
Project: General-purpose AI research for supply chain management optimization (supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea)
Project: AI for ER(Emergency Room) operations (supported by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute)
Project: General-purpose AI research for supply chain management optimization (supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea)
Project: AI for ER(Emergency Room) operations (supported by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute)
Relevant Courses
Undergraduate: Logistics Management, Production Control, Management Science II
Graduate: Production Planning and Control, Strategic Planning and Control
Graduate: Production Planning and Control, Strategic Planning and Control
Contact Information
Building 39, Room 412
Main Career Paths After Graduation
Academia or industry (e.g., semiconductor, electronics, etc.)
Application Inquiries
Refer to the application process for new students on the lab's website