Supply Chain Management Lab

“SNU’s Supply Chain Management Research Lab conducts extensive research covering all aspects of supply chains,
from the planning stage of production systems to operation and logistics. The lab utilizes various mathematical programmings
to build efficient and optimized supply chains, aiming to maximize productivity and efficiency across industries.”
Lab Name
공급망관리 연구실 Supply Chain Management Lab
Prof. 문일경 (Ilkyeong Moon)
Lab Members
Current Members (2 Postdocs / 8 Ph.D. Students / 9 M.S. Students)
Main Research Areas
Representative Research
or Projects
or Projects
Relevant Courses
Undergraduate: Production Management, Simulation
Graduate: Inventory Management
Graduate: Inventory Management
Contact Information
Building 39, Room 312
Main Career Paths After Graduation
Domestic and international universities
Large corporations (e.g., Samsung Electronics, LG CNS, Woowa Brothers, etc.)
Large corporations (e.g., Samsung Electronics, LG CNS, Woowa Brothers, etc.)
Application Inquiries
For inquiries, please contact 02-880-7152.